Broken Bones.

Have you ever broken a bone?

My answer to this prompt is yes, twice.

I was once fond not to have done so but once I did, it had to be big.

The second time was a minor crack in my right hand but the first time was a very painful saga.

I was going out to visit a newly established park. I had spent the morning tracking along the coast, jumping from boulder to boulder with hardly any thoughts on my mind.

I was at home preparing to go. While going down the stairs, just when I was on the penultimate step, I slipped. In an attempt to cover my fall, as an instinctive gesture I shielded my fall with my elbow. Unfortunately that was a tragic gesture. My elbow struck the edge of the marble step with full force, breaking into five pieces.

The pain, the agony and long months of therapy were totally unnerving and exhausting. I never fully recovered my full use of the arm movements but it is part of the past now and looking back, it could have been much worse.

However, my experience taught me that it is never a good thing to break your bones. Mind you, I didn’t need to experience it, to know this ๐Ÿ˜.

11 thoughts on “Broken Bones.

  1. I had that kind of experience in my youth – both of my arms have been broken. However, by the time you are young it is not so terrible. With the age it become more complicated and painful. My wife in her fifties has broken her wrist and it it were five cracks. She had surgery to fix it and stayed with the metal device on her hand for three month. But the most painful and hard time she had when it came to physiotherapy to make the wrist moveable and working normal.
    The older you are the most careful you have to be!

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  2. Hi Michael, your broken elbow experience sounds awful. My son fractured his wrist. Fortunately, it wasn’t on the growth line so it didn’t cause long term problems. It was painful at the time. He has also fractured his collar bone through falling out of bed. Interestingly, son #2 has never had a broken bone although he’s had a series of 22 operations.

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