Birds Photo Click 31: Eurasian Siskin.

Spinus spinus

Photographed in Malta.

The Eurasian Siskin is a common finch that is found in forested areas, both coniferous and mixed woodland. It is distributed in most of Europe and Eurosiberia.

It feeds on all kinds of seeds, but prefers those of Alder trees and conifers.

Photographed in Malta.

It is a bird that likes to congregate in flocks, even very large flocks. It is also known that every few years, large numbers migrate southwards. These influxes are thought to be the result of various possible factors. Plausible factors include, climatic conditions, scarcity of food or even a very successful breeding season.

Photographed in Malta.

It is a bird which is not timid to human presence, as evidenced from these photos, which I took of this confiding bird, during autumn migration, in the Maltese Islands. However, it is very elusive to find during the breeding period.

4 thoughts on “Birds Photo Click 31: Eurasian Siskin.

    1. Here we see it mostly in autumn, some years massive influxes, but also in smaller numbers in spring


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