Birds Photo Click 146: White Wagtail (2).

Motacilla alba

Photographed in Estonia.

The White Wagtail breeds in much of Europe, the Asian Palearctic and parts of North Africa. It is also a scarce breeder in Alaska.

Photographed in Estonia.

In the mildest regions of its distribution, it is a resident bird, but elsewhere it migrates south for the winter. Northern European birds spend the winter around the Mediterranean region and in tropical and subtropical Africa, while Asiatic birds winter in the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. Alaskan birds winter in tropical Asia.

Photographed in Malta.

In the Maltese Islands it is a wintering bird. Most birds start arriving during October and likewise most leave by the end of March. Interestingly, a large portion of the birds wintering in the Maltese Islands, gather to roost in a sheltered, clump of trees in front of the law courts, located in the capital city, Valletta.

It is an insectivorous species, feeding mostly on insects and small invertebrates, and it is one of the few species that keeps the same type of diet, even in the wintering range.

A typical characteristic behavior is that it constantly wags it’s tail, hence its name.

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