Birds Photo Click 36: Sokoke Scops Owl.

Otus ireneae Photographed in Kenya. The Sokoke Scops Owl is a very localized species, which is found in lowland forests of Kenya and Tanzania. It was first discovered in 1965, in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve in coastal Kenya. The same place where I photographed this bird. Like most Scops Owls, it is a nocturnal species […]

Birds Photo Click 36: Sokoke Scops Owl.

10 thoughts on “Birds Photo Click 36: Sokoke Scops Owl.

  1. Owls of all kinds have quite a knack for blending in well. They are usually hard to spot. In daylight I often listen for song birds to be putting up an extra fuss to find an owl. Crows really go at it.

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