Art in Nature 337.

Red Fox.
Photographed in Spain.

Curious but alert
Caught in the open, it looks
Cunning as a fox.

Haiku 290.

12 thoughts on “Art in Nature 337.

      1. Yepper! I’ve been reading up on them, learn a little about their wintering. Hubby found a hole dug out under the back of the shed. We had a trail cam set up for one night with nothing, but then he needed to move it for another reason temporarily. He’ll put the camera back soon, I’m curious as to ‘what’ is there, not thinking the fox, hole seems too small. πŸ™‚

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    1. They have learned to take advantage of human activity, so humans see them as a threat but in reality it is humans who encroach on their territory.

      Liked by 2 people

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