Birds Photo Click 164: Brown Skua.

Stercorarius antarcticus The Brown Skua also know as Antarctic Skua or Subantarctic Skua is a large skua that breeds in the subantarctic and Antarctic zones. Outside the breeding season they move further north. It is the heaviest of the skuas, often equal to the largest gulls. Their taxonomy is highly complex and for many years, […]

Birds Photo Click 164: Brown Skua.

10 thoughts on “Birds Photo Click 164: Brown Skua.

    1. Hi Robbie, I assure you there are many great places to visit and if you wish, I can suggest a few places not to be missed.


  1. Hi Michael – I tried to comment on this one, and got the message β€œComments are closed”. Anyway, I am very intrigued by this bird, and will be studying to learn more about their behavior. Thanks for a great introduction!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Sam. Thank you for pointing this out. I don’t know why this happens but I will look into it.


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