The Wolf.

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? I compare my self to the Wolf. Powerful, resilient and respectful to his family, friends and companions. With an insaciable appetite for the right of freedom and adventure. Yet patient and weary. Quiet but do not disturb, otherwise the wild instinct comes out.

The Wolf.

9 thoughts on “The Wolf.

  1. I don’t know whether I would identify myself with a specific animal species, but I would really like to be an eagle for a week, especially to enjoy its flying skills.

    Wolves are one of my favorites among animals, their way of life and the cohesion within the pack has always fascinated me. Maybe that’s why my favorite pet is also a dog (I used to have several Golden Retreivers but currently there are no more animals in the house – except for a few spiders – LOL)

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