Art in Nature 469.

Griffon Vulture. Photographed in Spain. Wings spread wide openSailing along the mountainsEyes focused below. Haiku 421.

Birds Photo Click 82: Common Sandpiper.

Actitis hypoleucos The Common Sandpiper breeds across most of temperate and subtropical Europe and Asia, and migrates to wintering quarters in Africa, southern Asia and Australia. However, some spend the winter in suitable areas, in between the breeding distribution and the wintering areas. It is closely related to the only other member of itโ€™s genus,... Continue Reading →

World’s Albatross Day 2024.

I dedicate this post to these incredible ocean wanderers with a selection of photos taken during my encounters with these awesome birds. All photos taken during pelagic trips off South Africa. Black- browed Albatross. Black- browed Albatross. Black- browed Albatross. Shy Albatross. Shy Albatross. Shy Albatross. Indian Yellow- nosed Albatross. Indian Yellow- nosed Albatross.

Birds Photo Click 68: Pallasโ€™s Sandgrouse.

Syrrhaptes paradoxus The Pallasโ€™s Sandgrouse breeds across middle latitudes of central Asia. It prefers dry steppes or similar habitats. In parts of its distribution, it is a partial migrant, making movements according to the amount of snowfall. In some years there are irruptions and birds have arrived even as west as Great Britain. The scientific... Continue Reading →

Art in Nature 463.

European Bee-eater feeding on a Lesser Emperor Dragonfly. Photographed in Malta. Quick meal for the birdFor the insect, short life endsThe cycle of life. Haiku 415.

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