Art in Nature 467.

Spanish Sparrow. Photographed in Malta. Chirping joyfully At the early morning sunA new day begins. Haiku 419.

World’s Albatross Day 2024.

I dedicate this post to these incredible ocean wanderers with a selection of photos taken during my encounters with these awesome birds. All photos taken during pelagic trips off South Africa. Black- browed Albatross. Black- browed Albatross. Black- browed Albatross. Shy Albatross. Shy Albatross. Shy Albatross. Indian Yellow- nosed Albatross. Indian Yellow- nosed Albatross.

🌍Happy Earth Day🌎.

Scenes from Planet Earth. Today we celebrate Earth's Day. Our beautiful planet needs more than just a celebration day. Everyone of us, needs to do something everyday to save our precious environment, our beautiful planet, planet Earth.

Insects Photo Click 56: Crimson Speckled Moth (2).

Utetheisa pulchella Photographed in Malta. The Crimson- Speckled Moth is also known as Crimson- speckled footman or Crimson- speckled Flunkey. This common, beautiful and widespread migratory species, can be found in most of Europe, Africa, Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira, Central Asia, in the western Indomalayan realm, Philippines, Japan and Australia. Photographed in Malta. The adults... Continue Reading →

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