Birds Photo Click 203: Red- vented Bulbul.

Pycnonotus cafer Red- vented Bulbul. Photographed in Sri Lanka. The Red- vented Bulbul is distributed in tropical southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka, east to Burma and parts of Bhutan and Nepal, and southwestern China. It has been introduced to many other countries including a number of islands such as Fiji, Samoa, New Caledonia,... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 158: Scarlet Macaw.

Ara macao The Scarlet Macaw is a large parrot, distributed from Mexico, down south through Central America including Panama, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica, and extending into South America, including; Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. It is also found in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and on Coiba in the Pacific.... Continue Reading →

Art in Nature 448.

Brehm's Tiger Parrot. Photographed at Kumul Lodge, Papua New Guinea. Vanishing forestSadly observing it's fateA perched green parrot. Haiku 401.

Art in Nature 384.

Red Underwing.Large Yellow Underwing. Crimson Speckled Moth. Maltese Ruby Tiger Moth. Photographed in Malta. No buzzing, no life.Silence around the Lamp postsWhere have the moths gone? Haiku 337.

Mammals Photo Click 9: Red Fox (2).

Vulpes vulpes Photographed in Spain. The Red Fox is the largest fox of the β€˜true’ foxes. It is also the most widely distributed member of the order Carnivora.It is distributed in the entire Northern Hemisphere, including most of North America, Europe and Asia, plus parts of North Africa. It has also been introduced to Australia... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 114: Southern Ground Hornbill.

Bucorvus leadbeateri (cafer) The Southern Ground Hornbill is one of two species of Ground Hornbills, both found in Africa. The other species is the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus abyssinicus). The Southern Ground Hornbill is the largest hornbill in the world. It is distributed in Southern Africa from Kenya to South Africa. They are carnivorous and... Continue Reading →

A new milestone: 600 subscribers.

Today I got the message that I had surpassed the 600 subscriber mark. I am truly humbled and honored. Thank you all for your constant support πŸ™. I truly appreciate it. Your views, likes and encouraging comments keep me going. I promise to keep trying harder in my goal to illustrate and share the beauty... Continue Reading →

7 Year Anniversary.

A photo for each year. Today 07.08.2023 marks the 7th Anniversary since I registered on WordPress. Time flies indeed! I thank you all, my dear followers. Your constant support encourages me to keep going. To keep sharing the beauty of nature. It is my pleasure and I truly appreciate it. I also would like to... Continue Reading →

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