Birds Photo Click 146: White Wagtail (2).

Motacilla alba The White Wagtail breeds in much of Europe, the Asian Palearctic and parts of North Africa. It is also a scarce breeder in Alaska. In the mildest regions of its distribution, it is a resident bird, but elsewhere it migrates south for the winter. Northern European birds spend the winter around the Mediterranean... Continue Reading →

Insects Photo Click 45: Brown Hairstreak.

Thecla betulae The Brown Hairstreak is distributed in most of the Palearctic. There are six recognized subspecies. It prefers habitats such as hedges, scrub, and wood edges with large prominent trees. It is a very peculiar butterfly, as it spends most of the time high in the tree canopy, especially at the tops of prime... Continue Reading →


What do you wish you could do more every day? When I asked this question, one thing pops up to my mind, Travelling! Photographed in Estonia. Why? Well coming from, and living on a small island can be very limiting. Travelling expands your knowledge, your experiences and above all opens up your mind. To me... Continue Reading →

Insects Photo Click 47: Blue Hawker.

Aeshna cyanea The Blue Hawker is one of the most common and most widespread dragonflies in Europe. It is distributed in the West Palearctic and covers a large part of Europe up to Scotland and southern Scandinavia in the North, down south to parts of Italy and the northern Balkans, west up to Ireland and... Continue Reading →

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