Reverse Metamorphosis.

After a long time I am back at writing about my journeys. This time it is not about one of my globetrotting adventures, in search of wildlife and nature. Not one of those journeys, so many tell me, I am lucky to have experienced. This time it is about a journey in life, more so... Continue Reading →

The Wolf.

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? I compare my self to the Wolf. Powerful, resilient and respectful to his family, friends and companions. With an insatiable appetite for the right of freedom and adventure. Yet patient and weary. Quiet but do not disturb, otherwise the wild instinct comes out.

Art in Nature 62.

Sunset photographed in Malta. A true Christmas wish Sun sets below horizon A new year, new hope. Haiku 12 I take this opportunity to thank you all for following, for your likes and for your comments. I truly appreciate it. Everyone of You is a true encouraging force. I also take this opportunity to wish... Continue Reading →

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