Art in Nature 441.

Barnacle Goose. Photographed in The Netherlands. The freedom to roamTake off, lift up, go higherSpread your wings and fly. Haiku 394.

Insects Photo Click 56: Crimson Speckled Moth (2).

Utetheisa pulchella Photographed in Malta. The Crimson- Speckled Moth is also known as Crimson- speckled footman or Crimson- speckled Flunkey. This common, beautiful and widespread migratory species, can be found in most of Europe, Africa, Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira, Central Asia, in the western Indomalayan realm, Philippines, Japan and Australia. Photographed in Malta. The adults... Continue Reading →

When Islands Fly.

A Trip to Watch Wintering Geese. Brent Geese. Flocking birds are fascinating. They have always intrigued me. Have you ever seen them, especially during migration? Various species have different ways of forming a flock. Line formations and V formations are commonly used to reduce flight, energy consumption, using laws of physics and aerodynamics. But birds... Continue Reading →

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