Art in Nature 466.

Red Fox. Photographed in Spain. A stroll in the fieldsLoose, quick footsteps, bushy tailSharp senses, alert. Haiku 418.

Mammals Photo Click 4: Red Fox.

Vulpes vulpes Photographed in Spain. The Red Fox is the largest fox of the β€˜true’ foxes. It is also the most widely distributed member of the order Carnivora. It is distributed in the entire Northern Hemisphere, including most of North America, Europe and Asia, plus parts of North Africa. It has also been introduced to... Continue Reading →

Mammals Photo Click 4: Red Fox.

Vulpes vulpes Photographed in Spain. The Red Fox is the largest fox of the β€˜true’ foxes. It is also the most widely distributed member of the order Carnivora. It is distributed in the entire Northern Hemisphere, including most of North America, Europe and Asia, plus parts of North Africa. It has also been introduced to... Continue Reading →

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