Art in Nature 441.

Barnacle Goose. Photographed in The Netherlands. The freedom to roamTake off, lift up, go higherSpread your wings and fly. Haiku 394.

Art in Nature 185.

Lesser Spotted Eagle. Photographed in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Soaring on spread wings roaming high in the blue sky in search of freedom. Haiku 137.


What does freedom mean to you? European Honey Buzzard. Photographed in Malta. To me, freedom should be a fundamental right to all humans and which everyone should have, but is is something which often is not fully appreciated. I am one who has lived a life promoting freedom, both on a personal level but also... Continue Reading →

The Wolf.

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? I compare my self to the Wolf. Powerful, resilient and respectful to his family, friends and companions. With an insatiable appetite for the right of freedom and adventure. Yet patient and weary. Quiet but do not disturb, otherwise the wild instinct comes out.

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