Art in Nature 465.

Eurasian Whimbrel. Photographed in Estonia. Curved bill and stilt legsReady to probe the mudflats Whimbrel's way of life. Haiku 417.

Art in Nature 463.

European Bee-eater feeding on a Lesser Emperor Dragonfly. Photographed in Malta. Quick meal for the birdFor the insect, short life endsThe cycle of life. Haiku 415.

Art in Nature 447.

Photographed in Malta. Every single waveHits the shore for one last timeThe circle of life. Haiku 400. I have reached a new milestone! This is my 400th Haiku. I was inspired to start scribbling my first haikus by some very talented poets out there and I admit, I got hooked. Thank you all for your... Continue Reading →

Broken Bones.

Have you ever broken a bone? My answer to this prompt is yes, twice. I was once fond not to have done so but once I did, it had to be big. The second time was a minor crack in my right hand but the first time was a very painful saga. I was going... Continue Reading →

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