Art in Nature 458.

African Death's Head Hawkmoth. Photographed in Malta. Motifs and patternsWoven in a tapestry Cloaked in black velvet. Haiku 411.

Insects Photo Click 47: Blue Hawker.

Aeshna cyanea The Blue Hawker is one of the most common and most widespread dragonflies in Europe. It is distributed in the West Palearctic and covers a large part of Europe up to Scotland and southern Scandinavia in the North, down south to parts of Italy and the northern Balkans, west up to Ireland and... Continue Reading →

Art in Nature 206.

Ribbon- tailed Astrapia. Male photographed at Kumul Lodge, Mt. Hagen Papua New Guinea Nature is unleashed adorned extravagant plumes let there be magic. Haiku 158.

Insects Photo Click 43: Glad-eye Bushbrown.

Mycalesis patnia Photographed in Sri Lanka. The Gladeye Bushbrown is a common butterfly endemic to Sri Lanka and southern India. The nominate race (photo), is found in Sri Lanka while the subspecies M. p. junonia, is found in southern India. Females are larger and duller than males. The preferred habitat of these butterflies is typically... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 97: Black Vulture.

Coragyps atratus The black vulture or American black vulture, forms part of the New World vulture family, and it is not related to the Cinereous Vulture, also known as European Black Vulture. The Black Vulture is a gregarious species, distributed from the northeastern United States, through Central America to Peru, Central Chile and Uruguay in... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 92: Yellow- necked Spurfowl.

Pternistis leucoscepus Photographed in Kenya. The Yellow-necked Spurfowl or Yellow- necked Francolin is distributed in eastern Africa, including Kenya where I photographed the bird above, Tanzania, Uganda, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. The name is derived from the bare yellow skin patch on the neck and from the spur, found on the back of... Continue Reading →

Insects Photo Click 20: Lesser Emperor.

Anax parthenope Male, Photographed in Malta. The Lesser Emperor dragonfly is a relatively large species of dragonfly, that is found in Southern and central Europe, including most of the Mediterranean islands, North Africa, and Asia as far as Japan. It is migratory and has also been found on the Canary Islands and the Madeira Archipelago.... Continue Reading →

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