Art in Nature 466.

Red Fox. Photographed in Spain. A stroll in the fieldsLoose, quick footsteps, bushy tailSharp senses, alert. Haiku 418.

Art in Nature 111.

Bluethroat photographed in Malta. On top of a perch His singing reverberates Blue throat, deep red heart. Melody echoes Determined, sure, but will his mate reciprocate? Haiku 62 & 63. Happy Valentine's Day.

Art in Nature 42.

Photographed in Malta. A natural marvel to truly admire. An intricate blend of black, orange and red. As the sky seems burning with fire. A sure sign that stormy weather is looming ahead.

Art in Nature 38.

A magnificent sunrise in Malta. Sunrise, a new day begins. A gradient pastel of orange and red. A sublime ball of fire, surrounded by a totality of black. And soon I realize, it is time to leap out of bed.

Art in Nature 34.

Dendrobium cuthbertsoni, Photographed at Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea. Deep in a dark, moist, tropical forest. Hidden from the sight of common man. A true beauty grows, on the bark of an old age tree. The bright red orchids, stick out against the subtle brown and vivid green.

Mammals Photo Click 4: Red Fox.

Vulpes vulpes Photographed in Spain. The Red Fox is the largest fox of the β€˜true’ foxes. It is also the most widely distributed member of the order Carnivora. It is distributed in the entire Northern Hemisphere, including most of North America, Europe and Asia, plus parts of North Africa. It has also been introduced to... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 34: Red Satinbird.

Cnemophilus sanguineus There are four species of Satinbirds, all found in Papua New Guinea. The family name β€œCnemophilidae” consists of the words knemos meaning mountain or slope and philos meaning lover, referring to the species’ fondness for mountain slopes. The Crested Satinbird, has nowadays been split into two species, by some authorities, the Red Satinbird... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 54: Common Kingfisher.

Alcedo atthis Photographed in Sri Lanka. The Common Kingfisher is a widely distributed kingfisher. It is found over much of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is a resident species where the temperature is mild, while in other areas it is a migratory species. Photographed in Malta. They are good indicators of the quality of... Continue Reading →

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