Birds Photo Click 199: Bearded Vulture (2).

Gypaetus barbatus The Bearded Vulture, also known as Lammergeier, is a very large, majestic raptor which is almost entirely associated with mountains especially with cliffs, crags, precipices, canyons and gorges. In some languages, such as Spanish, it is very aptly named as β€œThe bone breaker”. This is due to its feeding habits. This species is... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 176: Cinereous Vulture.

Aegypius monachus The Cinereous Vulture is distributed through much of temperate Eurasia. Westwards from Spain, Portugal and France where it has been reintroduced, then discontinuously to Greece, Turkey and throughout the central Middle East. Their range continues through Afghanistan, eastwards to northern India and further on to its eastern limits in central Asia, where they... Continue Reading →

Vulture Culture.

I have visited Spain, on many occasions. It is a country that has a lot to offer. From all aspects and for all type of travellers. Art, culture, scenic views, various activities and some of Europe’s best nature spots. Just before my last trip to Spain, I got to know of a particular place, which... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 199: Bearded Vulture (2).

Gypaetus barbatus Adults feeding. Photographed in Spain The Bearded Vulture, also known as Lammergeier, is a very large, majestic raptor which is almost entirely associated with mountains especially with cliffs, crags, precipices, canyons and gorges. Adult. Photographed in Spain. In some languages, such as Spanish, it is very aptly named as "The bone breaker". This... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 97: Black Vulture.

Coragyps atratus The black vulture or American black vulture, forms part of the New World vulture family, and it is not related to the Cinereous Vulture, also known as European Black Vulture. The Black Vulture is a gregarious species, distributed from the northeastern United States, through Central America to Peru, Central Chile and Uruguay in... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 176: Cinereous Vulture.

Aegypius monachus Photographed in Spain. The Cinereous Vulture is distributed through much of temperate Eurasia. Westwards from Spain, Portugal and France where it has been reintroduced, then discontinuously to Greece, Turkey and throughout the central Middle East. Their range continues through Afghanistan, eastwards to northern India and further on to its eastern limits in central... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 27: Bearded Vulture.

Gypaetus barbatus Adult, photographed in Spain. The Bearded Vulture, also know as Lammergeier and aptly named as the bone breaker in some languages such as Spanish. Adult, photographed in Ethiopia. This raptor is almost entirely associated with mountains, especially ones with cliffs, crags, precipices, canyons and gorges. Adults, photographed in Spain. It is sparsely distributed... Continue Reading →

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