Birds Photo Click 68: Pallasโ€™s Sandgrouse.

Syrrhaptes paradoxus The Pallasโ€™s Sandgrouse breeds across middle latitudes of central Asia. It prefers dry steppes or similar habitats. In parts of its distribution, it is a partial migrant, making movements according to the amount of snowfall. In some years there are irruptions and birds have arrived even as west as Great Britain. The scientific... Continue Reading →

Art in Nature 184.

Dew forming on a spider's web. Photographed in Malta. Droplets of water converge on delicate silk just like strings of pearls. Dew forming on a spider's web. Photographed in Malta. Haiku 136.

Art in Nature 183.

Female Blue Emperor dragonflies laying eggs. Photographed in Malta. Shimmering jewels lurking behind the bushes at the water's edge. Haiku 135.

Art in Nature 45.

Photographed in Kenya. A sorrowful mood. A monochrome created by death. Water is the source of life. But too much water can spell death too. As in this case, the rise of the water level has killed these trees. A lesson to be learned. Like everything in life, an excess of anything, even the best... Continue Reading →

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