Birds Photo Click 179: Peregrine Falcon (3).

Falco peregrinus Adult female. The peregrine is a cosmopolitan raptor and the most widespread of all birds of prey. It can be found in a variety of habitats all over the planet, except extreme polar regions, very high mountains, and most tropical rainforests. It is also absent from New Zealand. Adult female. It is famously... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 128: Southern Black Korhaan.

Afrotis afra Photographed in the Western Cape, South Africa. The Southern Black Korhaan, also known as Black Bustard, is a small bustard, which is distributed in southwestern, South Africa, from Namaqualand, south to Cape Town and east to Makhanda. It’s preferred habitat includes open type, semi- arid habitats such as, grasslands, shrub- lands and savannahs.... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 96: Common Eider.

Somateria mollissima Photographed in England. The Common Eider is a large, sea-duck, the largest duck in Europe, in fact. It is distributed over the northern coasts of Europe, North America and eastern Siberia, where it breeds in Arctic regions and some northern temperate regions and winters further south in temperate zones. During the winter months,... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 24: Spanish Sparrow.

Passer hispaniolensis Male Spanish Sparrow, photographed in Malta. Female Spanish Sparrow, photographed in Malta. The Spanish Sparrow is found in the Mediterranean region and south-west and central Asia. It is very similar to the closely related, House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). In fact, the two species, hybridize In the Mediterranean region. Male Spanish Sparrow, photographed in... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 14: White Stork.

Photographed in Malta. Ciconia ciconia Photographed in Malta while it was trying to land on a church steeple. The White Stork is a well know species of large bird. It breeds in parts of Europe, north Africa and western Asia. Since 1993, it has started breeding in South Africa. It is a carnivorous species, and... Continue Reading →

Birds Photo Click 120: Cirl Bunting.

Emberiza cirlus Male, photographed in Sicily, Italy. The Cirl Bunting is distributed across southern Europe, some of the Mediterranean islands and north Africa. It is a resident breeder and does not migrate. However, in the Maltese Islands, where it is not a resident bird, it is recorded as a vagrant, with a certain regularity, suggesting... Continue Reading →

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